Systems Engineer Medical Devices (m/f/d)



Job ID: R007875


Dipl.-Ing./Master Electrical Engineering/Medical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering or Materials Engineering/Biology or equivalent

Technical requirement profile

  • Several years of product development experience in the role of systems engineer.
  • For Device Systems Engineer:
    • Good knowledge of system development
    • Good knowledge of embedded systems, software, mechanics and hardware
  • Experience in defining requirements or requirements management systems
  • Knowledge of verification procedures
  • Experience in moving products into production
  • Knowledge of relevant norms and standards
  • Good knowledge of English and German spoken and written
  • Experience in an agile development would be very beneficial
  • SAP knowledge desirable

Personal requirement profile

  • Quality-conscious, trustworthy and reliable
  • Willingness to travel to all locations and business contacts
  • Team player
  • Very good communication skills
  • Structured, systematic and solution-oriented way of working

Areas of responsibility

Responsible for the technical realization of products based on defined architecture and master specifications in accordance with company-wide design control guidelines

  • Definition and documentation of the system design based on the specified architecture and platform development, taking into account regulatory and normative provisions
  • Analysis of external/internal stakeholder requirements
  • Pre-selection and assignment of customer requirements to existing solutions on the platform, if necessary coordination with stakeholders
  • Responsible for the technical implementation of new product features, preferably as a reusable component of the platform
  • Creating product-specific system specifications
  • Coordination of technical solutions between the individual departments
  • Close cooperation with the project management
  • Responsible for product-specific risk management in collaboration with the risk management team
  • Responsible for the product-specific verification plans and their successful implementation
  • Support of design transfer into production
  • Responsible for standard testing of the device
  • Support of manufacturing processes up to pilot series (NPI)
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