Software Developer (m/f/d)



Your challenge as Software Developer:

  • Develop software steering the digital print engine, covering everything from an innovative operator interface (web-based) and control functionality like job/color/media management to smart connectivity to integrate into customer environments
  • Take charge of conceptualizing, planning, realizing, and documenting innovative solutions
  • Be part of an international project team
  • Collaborate with interdisciplinary development teams, such as UX design, engine projects, quality assurance and service

Who are we looking for?

  • You have a bachelor's or master’s degree in computer science / computer engineering
  • You are comfortable communicating in English and in German
  • You are eager to dive into the field of full-stack web and interface development
  • You want to continuously improve your skills. C#, Python, Angular, HTML5, Git and Robot will be your technical environment. We support your learning journey.
  • You have or you want to gain experience in visualization and usability design
  • You are eager to incorporate new trends and technologies into your daily work
  • You enjoy communicating and working together across sites and borders
  • You see the positive side of things and you are not afraid to lead

What do we offer?

A challenging, interesting and responsible job in a future-oriented and international workplace, with the social benefits of a large company.

  • Individual development prospects and further training opportunities
  • 30 days vacation
  • Flexible working hours model
  • Opportunity for hybrid working
  • Holiday and Christmas bonuses
  • Company pension scheme
  • Company canteen
  • Employee parking spaces (e-charging stations)
  • Good suburban train connections
Canon Production Printing
Profil1 ING-Job
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