Test engineer/test technician for environmental simulation and electrical safety testing (m/f/d)



Your tasks:

  • Independent project management in accordance with the ISO 17025 quality management system in the areas of environmental simulation, electrical safety/product safety and chemical compatibility
  • Preparation of test documentation and reports in English and German
  • Creating offers for testing services
  • Regular status reports and customer communication as part of the audits
  • Applying measurement technology including data acquisition, measurement uncertainty considerations and calibration
  • Construction and optimization of test facilities and new test benches through to our own device developments
  • Participation in the further development and expansion of ISO 17025 accreditations for calibration and testing laboratories

Your experience and qualifications:

  • Electrical engineering or mechatronics training as a journeyman, technician, master craftsman, engineer or comparable qualification
  • Professional experience in the field of environmental simulation and product testing
  • Initial knowledge of the application of national and global testing standards is an advantage
  • Teamwork and communication skills
  • Good knowledge of spoken and written German and English

What we offer:

  • A great team of specialists
  • 2 days extra holiday for December 24th and 31st (if working day)
  • A mentor program for your onboarding
  • A permanent, stable employment relationship
  • Childcare subsidy for children not yet of school age
  • Voluntary direct pension insurance financed by the employer
  • Company bike leasing during the probationary period
  • Coffee and tea flat rate, free drinks and free fruit
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