System Analyst (HPC) (m/w/d)




  • Remote and on-site customer support and consultation
  • Planning, coordination and implementation of storage installations, GPU cluster installations, and PC cluster installations
  • Technical support for customer projects
  • Error analysis, compilation of documentation and optimization of existing processes
  • Testing new PC cluster hardware
  • Reporting to the central support group
  • Alignment between customers and sales

Job-Related Requirements

  • Degree in a technical or computer science discipline (FH, MATSE, or systems informatics technician) with a main focus on informatics or electronic engineering or equivalent professional certification(s)
  • Very good knowledge and experience in application and support in UNIX/ LINUX-based hardware and software environments
  • Experience in the area of technical customer support with a high level of customer contact
  • Experience with storage systems: Lustre, GPFS, BeeGFS
  • LPIC certification is an advantage
  • Able to work in a responsible and independent way
  • Continued willingness to expand procedural and technological skills
  • Fluent in German and good English
  • Driver’s license (class B)
  • EU citizenship, due to some customer requirements


  • Attractive working environment and an interesting and varied job in an innovative, globally active company
  • High degree of personal responsibility and creative freedom
  • Flexible working hours including remote work and time off in lieu
  • Possibility to work fully remote with some attendance at our site in Leinfelden-Echterdingen only being required in the beginning (3-6 Months) for Onboarding and Training
  • 30 days vacation plus Carnival Tuesday, Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve and World Mental Health Day off
  • Benefits such as employer-financed company pension scheme, capital-forming benefits, travel allowance, weekly fruit basket, free drinks from latte macchiato to Coke Zero.
  • Good public transport connections and free parking spaces
NEC Deutschland GmbH
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