Simulator Software Engineer Aerospace (m/f/d)


, Bremen


Your tasks

  • Design, develop and implement simulation models of satellite equipment and space environment
  • Continuously improve the simulation framework, user front-end and the test-/debugging interfaces and tooling
  • Perform tasks along the full software life cycle, including software requirements, architecture, design, code, test, integration and documentation
  • Coordinate with customers and internal software teams for design, reviews and timely delivery of simulators
  • Support customer teams during mission preparation as well as during the maintenance phase of our simulators

Your qualification

  • Degree in engineering with a major in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering or a comparable field
  • Proficiency in modern C++ and Python
  • Familiarity with working in a Linux environment
  • Knowledge of federated simulation and co-simulation techniques would be an asset
  • Experience with Qt, Git, DOORS and JIRA as well as embedded software is a plus
  • Experience with ECSS-SMP tools/environments and software standards (e.g. ECSS-E-ST-40C- or DO-178B) is an advantage
  • Previous experience in the space sector with a focus on the ground station software would be an asset
  • High motivation and independent way of working
  • High communication, teamwork and time management skills
  • Very good level of English in both spoken and written

What we offer

  • ActivityCorner
  • CompanyPension
  • BioFruitBasket
  • BusinessBike
  • ChillZone
  • ecomax
  • etaLANParty
  • etamaxSpirit
  • internationalTeams
  • CoffeTeaWater
  • PestoDay
  • spacyProjects
  • PlayFunExcitement
  • flatHierarchy
  • RemoteWork
  • openDoors
  • Zusammenhalt
  • flexibleWorking
  • EmployeeBenefits
  • niceColleagues
  • greatDevelopmentOpportunities
Luft- & Raumfahrttechnik
etamax Space
Profil1 ING-Job
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