PERI Group

Intern (m/w/d) Corporate Strategy & Projects (Inhouse Consulting)


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Intern (m/w/d) Corporate Strategy & Projects (Inhouse Consulting)

Corporate Strategy & Projects

You will support our team as a fully-fledged member

  • on tasks and projects, mainly related to the CEO and PERI’s Group Strategy
  • through independent handling of own work packages and (sub-) projects
  • through independent analyses, evaluation and interpretation of market and trend data
  • in the preparation of presentations for top management
  • in the preparation and execution of interviews and workshops

With us you can expect

  • exciting insights into the working environment of a CEO Office, Strategy Office / Inhouse Consultancy and Group PMO
  • challenging project work in interdisciplinary and intercultural teams with top management relevance
  • detailed onboarding into our project environment and methods
  • regular, specific feedback for personal development by your mentor

You are characterized by

  • very good grades in high school certificates and studies
  • a current degree in the field of natural sciences, information technology, business administration, industrial engineering or civil engineering
  • first practical experience, ideally from (student) management consultancy or internships with reference to project work
  • ideally first international experience
  • strong analytical and conceptual skills
  • team-working ability
  • strong communication skills

Start: from September 2025 | Duration: 3 months

Apply online Group**
Formwork Scaffolding Engineering
Recruiting Team


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