Robot QA Engineer (f/m/x)



Deine Auf­ga­ben

  • You work within a wider team of pro­fes­sio­nals to ensure that the final pro­ducts meet cus­to­mer and busi­ness expec­ta­ti­ons while kee­ping the pro­cess as effec­tive and cost-effi­ci­ent as possible
  • You ana­lyze, trou­ble­shoot and report defects on HW and SW
  • You improve our soft­ware qua­lity frame­work, inclu­ding soft­ware inte­gra­tion tests, func­tional hard­ware-in-the-loop tests, and robot per­for­mance tests
  • You set up and test robots prior to ship­ping to customers
  • You deve­lop, main­tain and prepare demos for show­ing off our robots

Dein Pro­fil

  • You hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Robo­tics, CS, Engi­nee­ring, or a simi­lar field
  • You have a good under­stan­ding of adja­cent disci­pli­nes: mecha­nics, elec­tro­nics, net­works etc.
  • You have good know­ledge of Linux, Python, ROS
  • You have been expo­sed to pro­ce­du­res for pro­duct test­ing, eit­her by deve­lo­ping tests yours­elf or by using exis­ting tests
  • Fluency in Eng­lish is requi­red, and basic Ger­man skills are helpful
  • Nice to have:
    • Expe­ri­ence with requi­re­ments, test cases and test exe­cu­tion documentation
    • Expe­ri­ence with debug­ging and test­ing elec­tri­cal and mecha­ni­cal systems
    • Expe­ri­ence with various sen­sors (e.g. ste­reo came­ras, time-of-flight, laser)
    • Hands-on men­ta­lity in tack­ling com­plex problems
    • Expe­ri­ence with robo­tic and/or embedded soft­ware development
    • Expo­sed to con­cepts of Qua­lity Eng and Relia­bi­lity Eng
    • Dri­vers license

Was wir bieten

  • Cut­ting-edge tech­no­logy: As pio­neers in robo­tics we are able to navi­gate and mani­pu­late wit­hout rails and gui­des and offer solu­ti­ons to pro­ces­ses that no one could auto­mate ever before!
  • Team: We are an inter­na­tio­nal team with more than 25 natio­na­li­ties. You’ll work in a team with excep­tio­nally smart, hum­ble, col­la­bo­ra­tive and hard­wor­king individuals.
  • Cul­ture: Come as you are! Join a vibrant, inven­tive, and diverse team that values col­la­bo­ra­tion over hier­ar­chy. To inno­vate you need to fail from time to time — we always learn and improve.
  • Work­place: Our office is loca­ted near the S‑Bahn sta­tion “Hirsch­gar­ten”. We work in a loft-style office with great equip­ment, our own work­shop and test­ing area.
  • Full Board: You don’t feel like thin­king about what you want to have for lunch tomor­row, not to men­tion pre­pa­ring it? Luckily, our french cook tre­ats us with a freshly coo­ked free lunch ever­y­day! And as the cherry on top, there is a packed fri­dge with drinks, fresh fruits and of course coffee!
  • Fle­xi­bi­lity: Fle­xi­bi­lity is a top prio­rity for us. Our hybrid working model for posi­ti­ons where pre­sence is dis­pensable helps to achieve a healthy work-life balance.
  • Bene­fits: We offer attrac­tive holi­day, health care, and com­pen­sa­tion packa­ges. Learn more about our cur­rent bene­fits here.
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