Hardware Engineer (m/w/d)




AED Vantage is all about innovation in embedded systems. Based in Munich, Germany and in Murcia and Barcelona, Spain, our friendly and international team of techies specializes in the development of electrical engineering and electronic components for the automotive industry. We focus on forming long-lasting relationships based on trust - with clients, partners and within the team.

If you have an experience working as a Hardware Engineer and are confident with Ethernet and SERDES protocols - do not hesitate and apply today!!!

What we offer:

  • Flexible working hours.
  • Guaranteed professional development.
  • Fun, open, and respectful workplace.
  • Variety of team events.
  • Training budget.
  • 30 days of vacation.
  • Hybrid work model (up to 60% work from home possibilities).

Your tasks:

  • Develop concept and hardware architecture design.
  • Hardware development with Altium Designer (schematics), and PCB layout review.
  • Understand the EMC requirements and work out the design to have the product meet all EMC requirements.
  • Define layout constraints and HW Project plan.
  • Product Hardware validation (thermal, EMC, Safety).
  • Analyse EMC problems and their solutions.
  • Documentation and specification of Hardware design.

Minimum requirements

  • Bachelor or Master´s degree in Electronics Engineering, Physics, or similar.
  • Previous experience in the Automotive industry desirable.
  • Product Development from Design to SOP.
  • Previous experience with Altium Designer, ECAD and circuit simulation tools such as LTSpice.
  • Familiar with EMC requirements.
  • Technical knowledge: Ethernet, SERDES protocols such as GSML and/or FPD, MIPI Camera Interface and PoC.
  • Fluent English. Spanish and/or German will be a plus
AED Engineering
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