Young Professional, Master, Fahrzeugtechnik
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Kandidat:in hat sich spezialisiert auf Graduate Student with around 2.5 years work experience. I have in-depth knowledge of Vehicle Communication Systems(CAN, Flex Ray, Automotive Ethernet), Automotive systems and ADAS (ACC, Autonomous Parking, and ABS in-depth research), Developing Vehicle functions, Model-Based Design approach verification using MIL, SIL, PIL, and HIL test systems and static code analysis as a part of Masters Education. A versatile Automotive professional with a strong technical automotive and industrial background. I have sound IT Knowledge seeking job opportunities in Sensor Fusion, Automotive vision systems, and AUTOSAR development. Expertise in Single Board Computers like ARM Cortex A53 CPU and MC 9S12H256 ECM. Currently, working Multi- Sensor registration for Heterogeneous sensor setups for precise environment perception and pattern recognition. Seeking job opportunities in automotive domain, .
Studium und Ausbildung
Automotive Software Engineering
TU Chemnitz
Abschluss: Master of Engineering, Note: 1.9
Electronics Instrumentation Control Engineering
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology
Abschluss: Bachelor of Engineering, Note: 1.7
████████████, Lindau am Bodensee
Continental - ADC GmbH, Lindau (Bodensee)
Asian Paints Pvt. Limited, Mumbai, India
Central Scientific Instruments Organization, Chandigarh, India
Renault-Nissan Automotive India Pvt. Limited, Chennai, Chennai, India
Präferenzen und Skills
Kandidat:in hat klare Vorstellungen bezüglich der Wunschbranchen:
- Automobilindustrie
- Elektroindustrie
- Energie & Umwelt
- Ing-Büros/Beratung
- Luft- & Raumfahrt
- Metallindustrie
- Wissenschaft & Forschung
Gewünschte Berufsfelder
Nächste Schritte
Bevorzugte Einsatzorte
Kandidat:in ist offen für alle Einsatzorte in Deutschland.
Kandidat:in ist offen für Arbeit vor Ort im Büro und im Home-Office